09 Jan 2009

Palm Pre

Palm Pre is released: - Lots of touch screen operations - Animation everywhere. - Seem no compatible with PalmOS applic...
06 Jan 2009

Selling iPhone App?

Seems few people really made money by selling iPhone apps...Let's see if I can keep working on this app for a year, and what will happen by then.
05 Jan 2009

xcode errors with 0xE8000001 while installing to iPhone, suddenly

Everything goes right before, then suddenly xcode won't install app into iPhone with error: 0xE8000001. What should we ...
30 Dec 2008


大部头的经典小说我读过的很少,这类东西对于我这个理工科的脑子过于复杂。我 总是忙于去把握故事情节和人物关系,从而难以体会其经典和精妙。 网络小说对于我来说,又过于跳跃,难于沉浸其中。 小说选刊是我喜欢的类型:纸质的阅读,适当的篇幅,严谨的...
27 Dec 2008


25 Dec 2008

A bookmark for creating a new wiki page

I use moinmoin as my local wiki engine. It is excellent for personal use because it needs no http server and database. ...