09 May 2009

moc -- command line music player

moc is a nice CLI based music player, which supports background server mode. It can be easily installed on Mac with: $ ...
09 May 2009


刚才上水木的时候查了一下自己的信息,原来我是1999年注册的。到今年,在水木上竟然也十年了。 十年之前...十年之后...
01 May 2009

What's the Point?

I'm not going to ask questions about meanings of life/work/blahblah... I'm going to quote some lines from Boston Legal....
16 Apr 2009

正常, 疯狂, 理想

你有理想吗?你的理想是什么? 你在做的事情是在实现你的理想吗? 我在日复一日从事着自己不喜欢的工作,拿着薪水用于生存,我被认为是一个正常人。如果我放弃这一切,去追求我心中的理想,我会被认为是疯狂。 其实生活总是在别处,人总是不满足。也许当...
06 Apr 2009

Git rocks

Why git is better than hg/bzr/svn/perforce No wonder why Linus chose git against others.
06 Apr 2009


the company MongoDB Website MongoDB is a high performance schema-free(JSON) documents management system. Including a Gr...