Sublime Text 2 allows you to write your own custom build system. The docs can be found here.
But when you have unicode characters in your cmd, you will get error, for example:
"cmd": ["open", "-a", "Marked", "$file"],
"selector": "text.html.markdown"
Now if you have unicode in your file name, you will get such an error in your console(View -> Show Console) during building:
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe6 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)
The stack traces into:
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Default/
line 130
129 if not self.quiet:
130 print "Running " + " ".join(cmd)
131 sublime.status_message("Building")
It’s the print line causes the error. Patch this line will make everything smooth:
130 print "Running " + cmd.__str__()