tags: PageMaker OS9 REALbasic Automation
Programming env: OS 9.2, REALbasic 3.2.1, PageMaker 6.5
ae = NewAppleEvent("misc", "dosc", "AK65")
ae.Timeout = 3600
// timeout at 3600 seconds. Some operations in PageMaker are really time consuming, so the default timeout value will really time out.
Function ExecCmd(cmd As String) As String
ae.StringParam("----") = cmd
if ae.Send then
return ae.ReplyString
raise new NilObjectException
end if
End Function
cmd = "Open """ + fullPath + """"
result = ExecCmd(cmd)
Many of PageMaker’s reply is a long string with fields separated by comma. Realbasic’s NthField/CountFields can parse such strings, but it’s much slow. The following function can help you with it.
Function NextToken(ByRef wholeStr As String, ByRef fieldStart As Integer) As String
Dim fieldIndex As Integer
Dim token As String
if fieldStart <= 0 or fieldStart > Len(wholeStr) then
return ""
end if
fieldIndex = InStr(fieldStart, wholeStr, ",")
if fieldIndex > 0 then
token = Mid(wholeStr, fieldStart, fieldIndex - fieldStart)
fieldStart = fieldIndex + 1
token = Mid(wholeStr, fieldStart, Len(wholeStr) + 1 - fieldStart)
fieldStart = Len(wholeStr) + 1
end if
return token
End Function
Example code to call this function:
cmd = "GetFontList"
result = ExecCmd(cmd)
fieldStart = 1 // init fieldStart variable, it will be changed at each call of NextToken
totalFonts = Val(NextToken(result, fieldStart)) // first field is count of all fonts
for fontIndex = 1 to totalFonts
fontName = NextToken(result, fieldStart)
fontId = NextToken(result, fieldStart)
installed = Val(NextToken(result, fieldStart))
used = Val(NextToken(result, fieldStart))